Full of Beans i George Town

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94, Smith Road, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-943-2326
Hjemmeside: www.fullofbeans.ky
Latitude: 19.288823, Longitude: -81.3783583
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Kommentar 5

  • Karla Escalon

    Karla Escalon


    I love the empanadas

  • esther pretorius

    esther pretorius


    I love their healthy heart salad! They're very nice and helpful.

  • Mustapha Elouarghani

    Mustapha Elouarghani


    Great coffee and breakfast

  • Shelian Gayle

    Shelian Gayle


    Good for quick bite and vegetarian meals

  • Christian Hughes

    Christian Hughes


    Gave this place a second chance after a poor breakfast experience and really wish I hadn't wasted my time or money. Went for lunch, took over half an hour to be served a sandwich and a salad, got served after two other groups who arrived after us. Ended up having to get the food to go as, like most normal human beings on a Thursday, needed to get back to work. We were clearly disgruntled by the service and they still had the nerve to charge grat (something we didn't notice till we left). And to top things off, the sandwich was totally burnt.........maybe that's what took them so long :S Won't ever be going back and will never recommend either.

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