Cafe Amazon i George Town

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150 Elgin Ave, George Town, Cayman Islands, P.O. 10525, George Town KY1-1005, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-769-1332
Latitude: 19.292345, Longitude: -81.377948
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Kommentar 5

  • M Bro

    M Bro


    Good for lunch! Small cafe but quite a few seats for a small building. Good home-cooked food is freshly made and they have an interesting menu. Order ahead by phone, take out available. We had mango salad and a portion of quiche, followed by some dark chocolate tart which was delicious. Would liked to have stayed for coffee but didn’t have time.

  • Aukage



    Great for quick breakfast if you work for the glass house.

  • Fred Alexander

    Fred Alexander


    Great Place. Super healthy & Delicious. Owner James is friendly, and engaging. If you are on a cruise ship in Grand Cayman; walk 1000 feet away from the overpriced stores on bay front. Go by the Government House & you will find this superior, healthy quiet super-clean nice lunch spot. Really good. pulled Beef sandwich at $7.95 a bargain.

  • Λмαтѕυĸαze Kαι Nι

    Λмαтѕυĸαze Kαι Nι


    Don't miss out on this fantastic cafe / restaurant located in the heart of George Town. All the menu items are fabulous and the frappes are delicious and the prices are exceptional for the quality at this Cafe. They recycle and use solar power and even offer vegetarian / vegan options. The breakfast quiche is the best I've ever had, goes perfectly with their organic coffee!




    Cafe Amazon is a new concept in the Cayman Islands, a healthy menu with Organic items & its Green. Their prices are unbelievably low considering the high quality of inputs to make their menu items. Located in the heart of George Town, this great little Cafe is easily accessible. The service is fast and very friendly, and the coffee items are excellent. Try their overnight Oats for breakfast, so delicious.

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