Cayman Creperie i George Town

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31 South Church Street, George Town, Bayshore Mall, George Town KY1-1107, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-3355
Latitude: 19.29425, Longitude: -81.382797
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Kommentar 5

  • robert oslin

    robert oslin


    Crepes were very tasty. Good find.

  • mark roberts

    mark roberts


    Greatplace for a coffee. Love the views of the port.

  • Crystal Keaser

    Crystal Keaser


    Excellent food, service, and prices

  • James Childress

    James Childress


    Had the 20' pizza. Enough for 4 or more people! It was very good and the wait staff was great. Nice patio to sit on upstairs so you can look out at the ships. Also, the Divine Fries are delicious!!

  • Subhranshu Sahoo

    Subhranshu Sahoo


    The pizza is the best especially 20 inch. Very good atmosphere. Best view of sunrise. Lovely staff. Delicious crepes.

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