Paperman's Coffehouse - Midtown i George Town

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Elgin Avenue, George Town, KY Kaimaninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-943-7185
Latitude: 19.2915856, Longitude: -81.3738264
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Kommentar 5

  • Joseph Maitland

    Joseph Maitland


    The best the staff are lovly and kind but the boss is not

  • Thomas Zimmermann

    Thomas Zimmermann


    Good spot to grab a coffee, hang out and read the paper in the morning

  • Grant Patten

    Grant Patten


    Fantastic coffee and a great bite to eat.

  • Steven Gurley

    Steven Gurley


    Whether you're just visiting or you're a local...paperman's is certainly what you'd expect from a good coffee shop! Comfortable seating, sweets/small items plus...real sandwiches. As suspected they have yummy coffee and tea options as well.

  • Kashka Hemans

    Kashka Hemans


    Great little spot in the heart of George Town, a brief stroll from the Cruise Ship berth. The coffee and pastry selection is good and the staff are attentive without being overbearing.

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