Tortuga Rum Company i George Town

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Tortuga Way, North Sound Road, George Town KY1-1106, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-623-7701
Latitude: 19.298947, Longitude: -81.368876
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Kommentar 5

  • Bryan Gay

    Bryan Gay


    We made a quick stop at Tortuga for some samples and to buy a few things. The big benefit to shopping here is that you’ll find most items a few dollars cheaper than anywhere else. And the cakes were significantly cheaper and many more options.

  • Cliff Hardwick

    Cliff Hardwick


    Best Jamaican beef patties in the world. Rum cakes are also very good and they will ship them for you

  • Jeff Hatton

    Jeff Hatton


    What in the world happened to this place? We went in and it was completely dead. We were not offered rum cake or rum. The employees there didn't acknowledge us. The troubling part was the local thugs that hang out in the parking lot blasting their music and drinking. It is not family friendly and is a remnant of what it used to be. We will never go back sadly.

  • RM Cervone

    RM Cervone


    This is a chance to try and buy rum cake and rum. We tasted coconut rum cake, which is probably their best flavor. We were also given coconut rum or pineapple rum. It's a fun tourist trap.

  • Mean TacoHulk

    Mean TacoHulk


    We stopped here on the way to or from, can't remember, the Turtle Farm as part of our Royal Caribbean 7 Day Western Caribbean Cruise for our wedding Anniversary. It was a pleasant surprise, and they have the Rum cheaper than on the cruise ships, duty free or not. It was a fast and furious taste and shop experience. The Vanilla rum was what we sampled, and I enjoy so much I had about 4 little cups then purchased to bring home later. Just remember that anything you buy there will end up in your room the last night you sail back to port. So you cannot eat or drink anything you purchase. We enjoyed this stop also for the opportunity to purchase a snack for the rest of the days events.

Nærmeste Bageri:

National House Bakery

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