Rum Stop i George Town

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70, Harbour Drive, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-9869
Latitude: 19.296215, Longitude: -81.3829912
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Kommentar 3

  • jenny mulliah

    jenny mulliah


    Its a con. Never buy anything from there. Our goods were never delivered to our cruise ship. Awful customer service...they never respond back. Totally disappointed!!

  • Janine Archibald

    Janine Archibald


    Do NOT buy liquor from this place!! If you cannot take your liquor with you, DO NOT purchase! On a cruise to the Cayman Island my family and I purchased liquor from Rum Stop. We were told that it would be delivered to our ship. They lied! We should have known as the staff was very dry and unwelcoming. When we were finally able to call them to get a refund on merchandise we did not receive, we were told we would receive a call from a manager. It's day four and counting! No one has returned our calls. We are now disputing charges with our credit card companies on three different orders. I had to give them a star in order to write a review. If not for that they'd receive none!!!!!!!

  • Natasha Hobson

    Natasha Hobson


    DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS SHOP!!!! My family and I was on a Cruise that stop in the Cayman Islands. This shop is located right across the street from the Port. So you would think it would be the best spot to buy from WRONG!!!!! They told us that our items will be delivered to the ship. They NEVER delivered our items that we paid for. Other passengers that did the same at other shops got there items. My family and I are disputing the charges with our credit card companies. We did Contact the store and was told the manager will contact us we are still waiting for a call. We was there 7/20/17. Please DO NOT TRUST this shop!!! I had to give them a star in order to write this. I will also be contacting Carnival Cruise line to let them warn there future passengers. You guys should be ashamed of yourself for taking people money thinking you would get away with it because people won't know the items are not delivered until they get back state side. Just imagine if we paid cash!! Shame on you!! Oh I also went on Cayman island site also. I will blast you guys on every social media and to everyone that tells me or my family they going to the Cayman Island!!!!!!!!

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