The Beachcomber i George Town

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933, West Bay Road, KY1-1109, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-943-6500
Latitude: 19.333026, Longitude: -81.3811217
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Kommentar 5

  • Aaron Rains

    Aaron Rains


    Great place for a vacation!

  • Paul Couzelis

    Paul Couzelis


    These condos are gorgeous! We stayed in #17 on the 3rd floor. It has a wider balcony than the higher floors, spacious and comfortable with a spectacular view. Every amenity you could hope for is there.

  • Dale Prillaman

    Dale Prillaman


    Top Notch. NOTHING left to want, everything you could need or wish for. Unit 6 had the most luxurious Master Bedroom/Spa/Bath Suite, and a bathroom for all the other bedrooms as well. Unit 7 was not quite as exquisite, but had everything else as above. Highly Recommended. Ask for Ernie if you need some Jamaican Breadfruit while there! lol

  • David Ryan

    David Ryan


    Just got back from the Beachcomber it is literally the best spot on the beach for all the amenities that you have behind it. There's a grocery store one of the best Italian restaurants on the island the best steakhouse you can get massages there's even a KFC and awesome Chinese restaurant and a liquor store. And that's just a few.

  • alicia jones

    alicia jones


    This is our new favorite place in Cay men! Stay anywhere else and you will be sorry!!!!

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