Mango Tree Bar And Restaurant i George Town

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518, Shedden Road, George Town, KY Caymanøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-946-8333
Latitude: 19.2917727, Longitude: -81.3688445
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Kommentar 5

  • ram bhandari

    ram bhandari


    This palace is really Amazing and beautiful.we found different kind of carribean food and local too.. jerk chiken and pork thats espicial test....

  • Cliff Hardwick

    Cliff Hardwick


    Great place to get a drink and jerk. Nice outdoor patio and bar with a stage area

  • Richard Campbell

    Richard Campbell


    Great Caribbean style food day or night. Good weekend hangout spot.

  • Alex Johnson

    Alex Johnson


    Service a little slow (island time) but excellent food. Try the escovitch grouper.

  • Yvette Castro

    Yvette Castro


    This place is no frills, mainly locals. We arrived at dinner time hoping to enjoy their famous turtle stew but they ran out of it by lunch time. We settled for their curry goat, which was delicious! It came with a small salad and rice and beans. I would recommend this place to travelers that like to enjoy authentic local food.

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