China Village i George Town

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139 N Sound Rd, George Town KY1-1003, North Sound Road, KY1-1003, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-945-3490
Latitude: 19.2939618, Longitude: -81.3707208
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Kommentar 5

  • Prentice Panton

    Prentice Panton


    Sweet and spicy chicken, friendly staff

  • Steven Gurley

    Steven Gurley


    I’ve tried every Asian spot on island and this gets my award for least favorite. They can’t understand you over the phone or in person. I would forgive the foregoing if the Chinese food were actually worthwhile, but their “sesame chicken” a staple Chinese dish was, without exaggeration, a 3/10. Next time I’ll just visit the hibachi place next door.

  • Sylvester Savage

    Sylvester Savage


    Quiet, clean place to eat. Food is lovely and price moderate.

  • In Propria Persona

    In Propria Persona


    Visited a few days ago and must say good attempt at authentic Chinese food but the boss could take a tip in good customer service and good manners from the servers.

  • Nickola O

    Nickola O


    The buffet was good for a quick lunch, you can eat in or take out and if you don't like the buffet there's the option of ordering off of their regular menu.

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