Super Stitch Sewing and Fabric Centre i George Town

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George Town, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-2833
Latitude: 19.288768, Longitude: -81.378233
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Kommentar 5

  • Natasha Garricks

    Natasha Garricks


    Great service

  • Elizabeth Sahagian

    Elizabeth Sahagian


    Vary frendly service vary noagiable

  • Shelian Gayle

    Shelian Gayle


    Everything for your household and garment construction in one place. Efficient staff

  • Mark Jones

    Mark Jones


    Decent selection, prices are OK, but you won't mistake the place for a discount cloth barn.

  • Shonari Gow

    Shonari Gow


    The one stop for all your sewing and crafts needs. I visit here mostly for brown paper by the yard but they carry a wide variety of cloths, threads, ribbons and other sewing related items. Items are not very well displayed however. Every inch of shop is filled with items from ceiling to floor with very little room to move around. Signs are written using sharpie on cartridge paper and lets say calligraphy isnt their strong suite. But yes, if you need sewing supplies this is the place to go. They also have tailors on staff who will alter or make most garments. A friend of mine got her simple wedding dress made there, she was quite pleased.

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