Tomlinson's Furniture i George Town

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George Town, Islas Caimán
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-5383
Latitude: 19.2904538, Longitude: -81.3811588
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Kommentar 5

  • Theresa Porter

    Theresa Porter


  • Melissa Alexander

    Melissa Alexander


    My experience has been frustratingly painful! The item that I paid for was delayed for over a month, and Tomlinson didn't call me to advise of this delay. I had to make contact with them repeatedly. If it wasn't one problem, it was another and the blame was always placed on the manufacturer, not on them. I felt as if they were more interested in the sale and getting my money, than in my satisfaction as a customer. I was finally told that the original chair that I ordered was discontinued by the manufacturer, and I was offered another option. I was assured that the color of these new chairs were identical to the color of the couch that I had already purchased from them, and would therefore complete the set. When these new chairs were finally delivered, I was disappointed that, not only are they not the same color of the couch, but they are not comfortable either. I am not impressed with the service received, so this will be my last transaction with them.

  • sharmila ramalingam

    sharmila ramalingam


    Wonderful place to work

  • Ricky Hernandez

    Ricky Hernandez


    Home and Decor needs

  • Hilreth Morgan

    Hilreth Morgan


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