Styles Beauty Salon and Spa i George Town

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508 West Bay Road , Grand Cayman KY1-1201, Kaimaninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-8809
Latitude: 19.3205446, Longitude: -81.3815704
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Kommentar 2




    I am very very particular about my hair as most women are. I recently got my hair Cutat styles on seven mile beach in pink mall on west bay rd .and I have never gotten Such a fabulous hair cut. And let me say I always get the same style but no one has ever done such a fine job by Ondina.So if you are looking for a great hair cut and good service that’s the place to go

  • Laura Lee

    Laura Lee


    My son and husband think Gino is the best barber they've ever met. Ondina gives absolute precision cuts and color. Sash will pamper you in the spa whether it be a mani-pedi, waxing, facial or fabulous massage. Even Dessa at the front desk will make you feel special! It's a lovely salon with ample parking and a convenient location literally right on 7MB. I'm a local, but it's a perfect place for a tourist to take care of those last-minute haircuts and beauty treatments without spending a fortune in a hotel.

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