Lobster Pot Dive Center i George Town

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Box 211,, 245 North Church Street, George Town KY1-1104, Kaimaninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-946-8685
Hjemmeside: www.lobsterpotdivecenter.com
Latitude: 19.303573, Longitude: -81.382821
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Kommentar 5

  • Mica Lunt

    Mica Lunt


    Incredible diving instruction, supportive staff, and great equipment! I took two dives here with James. James is a tremendous instructor, and he went above and beyond what an instructor did the day before at a different dive operation. I had such a great experience, that I’m planning on returning here for my certification. Thanks so much for a great diving experience!

  • Anthony Basilisco

    Anthony Basilisco


    These guys were awesome! Very close to cruise ship dock, just a few minute walk. We dove the wall and peppermint reef, I can't wait to get back to dive with them again!!

  • Ken Barkhuff

    Ken Barkhuff


    Absolutely professional, planned, and organized. My son and I dove the Kittiwake, and one other spot just in front of the Royal Palms. They took all of our gear, assembled it (I am still not sure I like that, because I like to know I did my own check offs along the way) which I understand why after seeing some of the people that were "experienced" divers. The briefings were concise and worth listening to the details. The dive masters were professional, and stuck to the plan. The only down side, we had a guy that kept breaking away from the group, the dive master kept trying to straighten him out (as he should), but we didn't get to see part of the ship because of "THAT GUY". Then on the second dive, the dive master kept having to go back to round up "THAT GUY". As for the shop, we will definitely dive with them again. Mike Painting, the manager, is exemplary, and you can clearly see why his shop is so squared away thru all interactions; whether by person or via e-mail.

  • Mubin Maredia

    Mubin Maredia


    We had booked couple of week earlier for the Discover Scuba Dive and the booking was very easy (we were coming from a Carnival Cruise). We had 5 in our group including my parents and our instructors were very patient with us and really communicated with us. I would recommend them to anyone who wants to scuba dive in the Cayman Islands. I wish I could rate this higher than 5 stars because they deserve it. Our main instructor was awesome he explained everything in detail and answered any questions we had. This was a very memorable experience and it was all thanks to our instructors so thank you!

  • Billy McDaniel

    Billy McDaniel


    Mike, is the best dive shop manager that a guy like me could ask for. I was booked for a week of diving at another place that I was less than impressed with. So, I walked down the street toward the city. I walked in and immediately felt at home. Talked to Mike for a while and he had me all set. Started diving with them the next day and was more than impressed. Dive the rest of the week with them and am ready to return. This is my 3rd dive shop to use on the island. I have been diving for a long time. These guys are amazing.

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