Foster’s IGA (Airport Store) i George Town

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63A Dorcy Drive Georgetown Grand Cayman, George Town, Islas Caimán
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-5155
Latitude: 19.2928458, Longitude: -81.3663665
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Kommentar 5

  • David Anderson

    David Anderson


    Well stocked store however can be exceptionally busy especially on a Saturday. More parking is required.

  • Donene Wright

    Donene Wright


    Great store getting in and out of parking lots is abit crazy during rush hour but grocery shopping is fine lots of cashiers

  • Janet Mortley

    Janet Mortley


    The Cashiers are courteous. But by the Western Union side I think at times they are slow

  • R B

    R B


    This is a nice local store just a few minutes from the airport. The store looks out over the runway. They have just finished some improvements to the produce area and it looks really nice. Great hot food bar and salad bar too. This shopping center also has Price Right which is a small warehouse type food store, no membership required. There is also a Wine/beer store and a party supplies store as well.

  • Deborah Fabiola Baca Gomez

    Deborah Fabiola Baca Gomez



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