Kirk Market i George Town

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413 Eastern Avenue, George Town KY1-1002, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-7022
Latitude: 19.30499, Longitude: -81.381623
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Kommentar 5

  • Mei pipoKs ang

    Mei pipoKs ang


    The staff is very helpful! They were nice enough to call a taxi for me since I was visiting! Thank you :)

  • William Haneke

    William Haneke


    Expensive as hell, but you're on an island. Still cheaper than Cayman Brac or Little Cayman. Great selection and you can get most of your North American favs here! Tip: bring cereal from the US - it is $12 a box here! You can also bring in meat so long as it has a USDA stamp - freeze it in Dry Ice so it makes the trip and yes, you can bring that on a plane.

  • Charles Bates

    Charles Bates


    Just an average high end supermarket. They're the type of place that would have every type of a certain product except when it comes to coffee. There was no Cuban coffee which was disappointing.

  • Vicki L

    Vicki L


    We went to Cayman Island via a cruise. After walking for 20 minutes, on the way to 7-mile Beach we saw this Kirk Market. It’s a fairly big supermarket, nicely decorated and well stocked. We tried the pastries and bottled water here. The pastries are very good. They let us take out cups with ice without charge. The price is 25% more than US price. Also you have to pay a premium for the currency exchange. The Cayman dollars are higher than the US dollars. Quite expensive.

  • D&R Flahaven

    D&R Flahaven


    Very nice, clean grocery store. Homemade Madeline cakes (cornbread) are amazing and they have an awesome homemade lunch and dinner takeout bar. Smells, looks and tastes delicious! Prices are quite a bit higher than the states. Bacon 8.50 (CI$) a pound which was on sale (reg price 11.49 CI$). Still there were plenty of island deals and the produce section and selection was very good!

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