CompuCay i George Town

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69, Doctor Roys Drive, George Town, KY Kajmany
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-327-5587
Latitude: 19.2957998, Longitude: -81.3807119
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Kommentar 1

  • Jeff Allen

    Jeff Allen


    After my wife dropped her iPad here to have it's screen replaced we faced a myriad of problems in dealing with this business's staff, Franz primarily. The lies began about the time need to fix our device. Then we were questioned about the authenticity of the iPad(purchase at an Apple Store in the states,) then we were told lies about the location of devices. After all this we asked that they return the device as is, keep the labor cost fees and refund the remaining parts fees only to be told, "No! We'll fix this device as it's stated on the receipt." Well, there is no mention of this on the receipt. This business is deplorable, lacks professionalism and is highly deceitful. I recommend you take your business elsewhere.

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