Cayman Prep and High School i George Town

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

559, Walkers Road, George Town, KY Caymanøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-9115
Latitude: 19.2781436, Longitude: -81.3861263
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Kommentar 5

  • Daniel Hawkins

    Daniel Hawkins


  • Cherine Usherwood

    Cherine Usherwood


    Just stopped to drop off something, seems nice enough

  • Isa U

    Isa U


    its the best u should go there u will get lots of friends

  • Sally Kutcher

    Sally Kutcher


    It’s terrible never send ur child to this school or scucks cis is so much better

  • Leilani LM

    Leilani LM


    The testing system helps students feel at ease and it has a very high standard for education.

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