Wok-n-Roll i George Town

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West Bay Road, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-0168
Hjemmeside: www.woknroll.ky
Latitude: 19.3257103, Longitude: -81.3813232
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Kommentar 5

  • Rowena Velasco

    Rowena Velasco


    Super love the place.They offer a wide variety of asian dishes.Great foods

  • Dawn-Marie Scott

    Dawn-Marie Scott


    Food is Good, can't say the same for the staff.

  • Krissel Barretto

    Krissel Barretto


    👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻! It was exceptional, not only because every meal we enjoyed had a variety of options and was flavorful but also because the prices were so reasonable. We'll definitely be back. Highly recommended!

  • Joyce Dalida

    Joyce Dalida


    I don’t usually leave comments like this, but you guys deserve it. The food was fantastic and you have great staff! We also loved the atmosphere of your place making everything perfect. I hope we will be able to come back soon. Thank you!

  • Baby Superman

    Baby Superman


    The food is yummy especially the pork buns and the bulalo( pork soup) , the service was good too 👍

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