Villas Of The Galleon i West Bay

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1158A, West Bay Road, West Bay, KY Caymanøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-945-4433
Latitude: 19.3373285, Longitude: -81.3808403
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Kommentar 5




    Fooding not far. Lisa in the office very nice and helpful. Feel like your one bedroom apt with everything including washer and dryer if needed. Nice kitchen

  • Randall Casto

    Randall Casto


    Great place. Well managed and very clean. Located right on seven mile beach. Our family loves this place and will continue to stay here on our future visits.

  • Trevor Farnsworth

    Trevor Farnsworth


    Absolute paradise! This was by far the most chill and relaxing vacation I've taken in years. The staff was friendly in every way. Every day we were greeted with sapphire waters and treated to blazing sunsets!

  • craigtmerren



    This is a rear jewel on the 7-Mile Beach strip to stay during your vacation. Staff is very nice, kind, helpful and friendly at this wonderful untouched location. It is one of the most beautiful beach front to see the sunset and at a time close to many local attractions. If you don't want to eat at home, then there are plenty of restaurants that fit your budget. Lisa Ebanks is a wonderful hostess and will rounded on all things Cayman Islands.

  • Gale Heisler

    Gale Heisler


    Wonderfully relaxed, missing the high stress of resorts. Best beach, best sunset view on Seven Mile Beach! The residence gives you a chance to spread out. Well maintained residences with full kitchens make you feel at home. Wonderful management.

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