The Brasserie i George Town

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171, Elgin Avenue, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-945-1815
Latitude: 19.2934603, Longitude: -81.3768876
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Kommentar 5

  • Warren Long

    Warren Long


    Great farm to table. Eat in the outside garden. Staff was very attentive, beer selection was great and food was excellent. We had the ceviche, grilled cheese, and daily wahoo fish special. All were done incredibly well. Priced very reasonably for the island.

  • RM Cerv

    RM Cerv


    We went to The Brassiere our second night in Grand Cayman. They are a farm to table restaurant. On Monday nights, they have a three course Prix fixe menu which includes a bottle of good wine for $89 a couple. It was our cheapest meal on Grand Cayman and the ingredients were extremely fresh. We sat outside in the garden which is a screened in garden. We saw the swiss chard that accompanied our tuna growing. The meal was outstanding. The service was very good. It is in the middle of the financial/insurance section of Georgetown.

  • RM Cervone

    RM Cervone


    They do farm to table meals. Eat there on Mondays for their 3 course Prix fixe menu which includes a bottle of wine. We had corn chowder and sprats(herring) and local spinach, yellowfin tuna (the others choice was pork belly), and dessert, an almond sorbet with a coconut mousse. The combination was divine for a foodie.

  • M Rampersad

    M Rampersad


    Had a business lunch there at the end of January 2018. The starters were average, and needed a little more salt and seasoning. Main course was a burger which despite being very filling (I didn't eat until the next morning), still had the same seasoning shortfall. Beware of the Irish Coffee - more whiskey than coffee, so it may suit a lot more people than the usual lunch diner.

  • bob arnold

    bob arnold


    Best restaurant in Cayman- farm to table and it shows. Really enjoyed all of the seafood, particularly the Wahoo and Lobster dishes. Excellent service. Came here twice during our trip. Also very extensive craft beer selection, including Rogue beers.

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