Priced Right i George Town

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63, Dorcy Drive, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-945-7283
Latitude: 19.2928351, Longitude: -81.3672956
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Kommentar 5

  • Tonia Harris

    Tonia Harris


    This is a great place to buy items in bulk. The prices are competitive and helps consumers to save money over time. Its 'the place' for smart shoppers.

  • Jay Mehta

    Jay Mehta


    Good place to shop and good prices.

  • R B

    R B


    Good prices and nice variety of items. They carry fresh food, canned items, paper products, cleaners and frozen food. They also carry some furniture, tvs, kitchen and business items. Friendly and helpful staff. No grocery bags so bring your own!

  • Keith Higgins

    Keith Higgins


    Simply great place to shop absolutely great staff always able to help

  • Ivor Lee

    Ivor Lee


    Priced Right is part of the Fosters IGA group so you'll see a lot of the same items between the two stores. Decent price for the island, but selection is a bit limited. Definitely not like Costco in the US.

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