Health Services Authority i George Town

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19.289450, -81.380459, George Town, Kaimaninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-8600
Latitude: 19.28945, Longitude: -81.380459
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Kommentar 2

  • Amir Ronen

    Amir Ronen


    The most unproffesional health service in the cayman islands.

  • Roscoe Watkins

    Roscoe Watkins


    Amazing service! I know sometimes the wait to see the specialist or the GP can be a long one and don't get me started on the system to picking up you subscription! But today I have been to have an operation and felt compelled to let everyone know what wonderful service I received. Very impressed! The nurses, the guy that puts the iv in the guy that takes you to the theatre and the doctors and surgeons were all first class with outstanding bedside manner.

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