CTMH | Doctors Hospital i George Town

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16, Middle Road, KY1-1104, George Town, KY Kaimaninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-6066
Hjemmeside: www.doctorshospitalcayman.com
Latitude: 19.290031, Longitude: -81.383178
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Kommentar 5

  • Dave Coveney

    Dave Coveney


    High quality, professional doctors and staff. Very personalized care.

  • pappafrito



    Excellent experience and service. Very friendly staff and fast to get in and out. Highly recommended!

  • Sally Machado

    Sally Machado


    Great place for health care. Love the new look! Got a pain-free mammogram and carpal tunnel surgery on my hand (Thanks Dr. Tanja!) and found the staff to be professional and pleasant each time I visited!

  • Yaron Rado

    Yaron Rado


    State of the art facility

  • Jestina Jestina

    Jestina Jestina


    The telephone operate at this hospital is so disrespectful, i call asking for information and she slam down the phone in my ears, i will never ever take my family back to this hospital , they need to behave better and get good people to work there instead of those bush animals.

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