Health Care Pharmacy i Grand Harbour

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Grand Harbour, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-947-8900
Latitude: 19.2821277, Longitude: -81.3463988
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Kommentar 5

  • Jim Rankin

    Jim Rankin


    A great pharmacy with a very nice staff. Call ahead to make sure they have what you require. Its right out in front next to Hurley's Grocery Store and just 10 minutes from the airport heading East. It will be on your left hand side at a large turn about. There is also a liquor distributor just down at the East End of the complex.

  • R B

    R B


    Great local pharmacy and gift items too! Wrapping paper, cards, toiletry items and great pharmacists as well.

  • J.R. Shambaugh

    J.R. Shambaugh


    One of the few places open on Sunday! They have all the basics you would need. The pharmacists and staff are very friendly and helpful. Don't be one of the idiots that parks right in front of the store blocking the road; that's what parking spots are for!

  • Adri Syaur

    Adri Syaur


    Rumah siapa ini?

  • Shonari Gow

    Shonari Gow


    Nice pharmacy with tons of odds and ends. I think they have the largest greeting card stock on island. The section is massive. Not the greatest of taste though. Open late.

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