Foster's IGA (The Strand) i George Town

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Canal Point Drive, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-945-3663
Latitude: 19.3318257, Longitude: -81.3794945
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Kommentar 5

  • William Haneke

    William Haneke


    Pricey, but good selection. Very busy, but then you're on 7 mile beach.

  • Carey Kee

    Carey Kee


    Really good supermarket with good local produce as well as British and International food selection. They have weekly deliveries from the UK and feature some foods from waitrose. They have a great fresh coffee selection and have fresh baked pastries and bread. I do not like their deli hot food counter but plenty of local people like it. They should offer fresh pressed juices like their Bay market store.

  • RM Cerv

    RM Cerv


    This is an average grocery store with above average prices. As we had a kitchenette in our hotel room, we picked up some fruit

  • R B

    R B


    This is a nice local store in The Strand. Great hot food Bar and salad bar too.




    Foster's Strand is a favorite supermarket for us in Cayman. I find that the variety of items, freshness of the Produce and Ready To Eat food bars are consistently excellent. The staff is very helpful and has gone out of their way to accommodate my family when we've ordered cases of items or had special requests for the butcher. We've also filled numerous prescriptions in the pharmacy where service is fast and the advice very useful (we've got two young kids who bring home lots of fevers and sore throats every school year...) There are several good supermarkets here in Grand Cayman and some are quite food - overall Foster's at The Strand is a favorite for us. I'm looking forward to their expected move to Camana Bay ...that should be a real amazing shopping experience!

Nærmeste Købmand eller supermarked:

Bay Market

38 Market Street Grand Cayman KY KY1-1200, Market Street
supermarketLæs mere

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