Diamond Marquise i George Town

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8, North Church Street, George Town, KY Caymanøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1-345
Latitude: 19.2968422, Longitude: -81.3827407
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Kommentar 2

  • Jenna Meier

    Jenna Meier


    The staff here were but overly pushy... you couldn't browse without them pulling you this way or that wanting you to try on the biggest and most expensive pieces in the case. The prices are extremely inflated and they started offering us up to 60% off the list price right off the bat! Some of the quality seemed a little questionable as well. Don't get me wrong, they were nice people but the sale came above everything else and that was made very clear I would suggest going to this store if you like being smothered by salespeople Addendum: When I walked by the store at a later date, the same saleswoman who had helped me before proceeded to come out of the store and approach me down the street with a clipboard in hand as if trying to make a sale.

  • Dawn Grimes

    Dawn Grimes


    Very helpful

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