Cafe del Sol i George Town

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The Paseo, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-943-3344
Latitude: 19.3219377, Longitude: -81.3787767
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Kommentar 5

  • David Cooper

    David Cooper


    Nice people, fresh brewed iced tea, and free WiFi. Clearly beats Starbucks back in the U.S. Clean store with refurbished restrooms. Much better store than the one in downtown Georgetown.

  • R B

    R B


    Great little coffee shop in Camana Bay. This almost became our home when we first moved here because it took a month to get internet in our home but it is available free to guests. I love their mochas and the strawberry smoothie. Staff are very nice and friendly. You can sit inside or out on the patio. Clean bathroom and a community board where they post events.

  • David Mitchell

    David Mitchell


    Nice place to have a coffee and a bite to eat - it's next to a book store called Books and Books so you can pop over for a look. It has outdoor tables if you want to be outside to enjoy the weather and a lounge in the back.

  • Nikki Jenkins

    Nikki Jenkins


    Great coffee and friendly service. Large, clean and modern shop.

  • William Calhoun

    William Calhoun


    What a nice find. We have tried several coffee shops on the island, and this one is tied for first place. Good cup of drip, caramel macchiato very good, nice music, and good seating options. WiFi available for free. Easy to get to from large parking area or a short walk. Will make this our coffee shop stop for the West side of the island from now on.

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