Ultra Lounge i George Town

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George Town, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-322-4759
Latitude: 19.2881484, Longitude: -81.3742911
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Kommentar 5




    Partywise ultra lounge is the place to do it.as a security there for the pass 41/2yrs .your safety is my main priority

  • Oneil Delliser

    Oneil Delliser


    Love soup nice food very tasty Marsha very very nice good personality

  • Keisha Anglin

    Keisha Anglin


    Nice atmosphere and good customer service

  • Jai & Bae

    Jai & Bae


    My favorite bar/club to when in Cayman. The atmosphere is cool and the djs are always good. They play a mix of 70% reggae and 30% hip hop. Lots of girls available to take your drink order but sometimes they're slow... In addition to serving drinks, I hope the owner hired them to keep the crowd moving because many times, ive seen them dancing crazy and seemingly tipsy.

  • Derrie Richardson

    Derrie Richardson


    Needs better parking for customers.

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