The Book Nook i West Bay

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Galleria Plaza, Rd,, West Bay, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-945-4686
Latitude: 19.3239988, Longitude: -81.3810011
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Kommentar 5

  • David Hatwell

    David Hatwell


    A rainy day must if you have kids! Great bookstore otherwise.

  • Heather Bresnahan

    Heather Bresnahan


    Great place for kids and adults

  • Fabio Rocco

    Fabio Rocco


    A great place to buy toys or books!!!

  • Jenna Meier

    Jenna Meier


    Very cute and cozy store full of a huge selection of books including the top bestsellers, mysteries, thrillers, cookbooks, romance, children's books, young adult, fiction, and non-fiction! They also have a large selection of books about the Cayman islands- flora, fauna, history, etc. They have a whole room devoted to kids toys, stuffed animals, games, legos and they also carry pokemon cards as well. The staff is very friendly and their prices are very comparable. Make sure to say "hi" to their store bird Lucy when you go :)

  • Tonia Harris

    Tonia Harris


    Book Nook is the perfect place to get a wide variety of reading materials, toys and many other small gift items at competitive prices. I was even able to get a tiny Cayman Islands license plate with my name etched out on it. Cool!

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