Stingray City Grand Cayman i West Bay

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West Bay, Kajmany
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-325-1992
Latitude: 19.3564883, Longitude: -81.3775114
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Kommentar 5

  • Dave Davidson

    Dave Davidson


    One of the most amazing experiences of our trip and combined with rum point was a double header!!! A must do for anyone coming to grand cayman! I was raised in Florida on beaches swimming with dolphins but never experienced anything of this caliber!!

  • Fercho



    Experiencia única

  • Bill McBreen

    Bill McBreen


    A must do when visiting Grand Cayman! The crew was super friendly, drinks are superb (can be charged to your hotel room too!), and the stingrays were awesome! I was nervous at first then you quickly see why they call them sea puppies! 10/10 would do again!

  • Thomas Koch

    Thomas Koch


    Es war ein wunderschönes Erlebnis inmiitten der Rochen zu baden. Die schönheit und anmutigkeit dieser Tiere ist beeindruckend und ist unvergesslich. Sehr empfehlenswert bei einem Besuch dieser Insel. Am Bankenviertel waren wir nicht interessiert. Viel swissness in den Uhrenläden. Kennen wir, abhaken.

  • deb stockford

    deb stockford


    we selected this shore excursion thru our cruise line (the most awesome royal caribbean ) and we had a blast! this is an excellent company with a clean boat, nice crew, and we had plenty of time out with the sting rays. tour guides were very informative and made sure everyone had a chance to feed and touch the rays ...i thank God for such an incredible experience!!! fun for all ages!! worth every penny!!!!!

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