Sterling & Stone i George Town

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7, Shedden Road, George Town, KY Kaimaninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-926-0561
Latitude: 19.2944536, Longitude: -81.3826646
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Kommentar 2

  • Jenna Meier

    Jenna Meier


    Extremely friendly staff who were more than willing to help and just chat as well! They have a huge assortment of sterling pendants, earrings, and ring (some with and some without a variety of different stones). They have deals such as buy three, get the fourth one free which is nice. Their prices are quite comparable. The store is a little tucked back so be prepared to go down a small corridor to get to it...

  • Crystal Ashton

    Crystal Ashton


    The staff was so friendly and helpful. They have the best prices and huge selection! I'm regretting only getting one of the necklaces I bought. I'd like another if it's possible!?

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