Seven Mile Beach Resort & Club i George Town

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19D, Piper Way, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-0332
Latitude: 19.3164122, Longitude: -81.3833565
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Kommentar 5

  • Allen Robinson

    Allen Robinson


    Great apartments. Very close to Beach. Nice kitchen and laundry. Two bathrooms with two bedrooms is really nice. Pool area is also very nice. Absolutely recommend!!

  • Kasey Hartman

    Kasey Hartman


    Quiet and relaxing in comparison to surrounding "party" resorts. Rooms are beautiful, up to date appliances. Pool and beach are only steps away from all the rooms.

  • James long

    James long


    This place was a great deal for two people. You each can have private rooms and baths and you're close to the Marriott for good food and a nice Beach. All for 25% of the cost of the major 4 star resorts

  • J. Phillip Camp

    J. Phillip Camp


    Despite construction for the last two years (2017 & 2018) I've gone, this is a great place to sleep between snorkeling, sunbathing, swimming (ocean or in the pool) or generally living it up around the island. Very close to some fantastic food, rental cars, dive shops (scuba) and more. The sunsets are almost always incredible! I will come back!!!

  • Maurie Rosenberg

    Maurie Rosenberg


    Without restaurant or lounge this resort is a quiet basic condo time share of about 12 two bedroom units in each of three three story buildings with wonderful staff. It is a short walk to 7 mile beach and other restaurants, shops and lounges. There is a consruction project on site with slow progress.

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