George Town Public Library i George Town

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68, Edward Street, George Town, KY Islas Caimán
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-5159
Latitude: 19.2963737, Longitude: -81.381361
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Kommentar 5

  • Vimal Vincent

    Vimal Vincent


    The Staff were friendly an helpful and we were able to use their fast and efficient WIFI.

  • AJ Suazo

    AJ Suazo


    I got off the cruise and needed secured WiFi so I went to this library which was walking distance from the port. The library was really convenient and clean. It was in a historical area of Georgetown

  • Adam Willis

    Adam Willis


    This facility is poorly serviced and simply under booked.

  • M Bro

    M Bro


    Large collection over three floors - don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s only the ground floor! Entrance is through one of the two side doors, not through the older front door of the older part of the building. Staff are friendly and helpful - they may be able to request a book from one of the other libraries on island if you can’t find what you’re looking for. Often there are free or cheaply priced ex-stock available.

  • Est Air

    Est Air


    If you need to print something just dont do it here. Also the wifi is terrible , but otherwise than that its a nice area to do your studies.

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