Port lotniczy Owen Roberts i George Town

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Roberts Drive, George Town, KY Kajmany
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-943-7070
Hjemmeside: www.caymanairports.com
Latitude: 19.2962995, Longitude: -81.357771
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Kommentar 5

  • Nathan S

    Nathan S


    Horrible excuse for an airport. No water fountains, expensive food and drink. Small, crowded waiting area.

  • Mc Hunter

    Mc Hunter


    The snack shops in the departure area are a ripoff! I went up to buy my daughter a 12oz. can of Sunkist and they wanted to charge $4.35 Cayman dollars!!! I told them they could keep it. What a shameful disgrace, taking advantage of people who they know just went thru airport security and had to throw away their drinks! Just think of how many they could sell if they would be reasonably priced for an airport at just over half that price.........

  • Andrew Barbetta

    Andrew Barbetta


    Absolutely the worst airport I have ever been too. In every sense that an airport can be terrible. Bathrooms are few and far in between. Barely any places to sit down. No place to get food or water. No place to change a child. The crowds were unreal. The lines are awful. The airport should be called HELL Grand Cayman instead of the actual place in Hell grand Caymans.

  • Michael Ernsting

    Michael Ernsting


    Easy to navigate until waiting to the flight-waiting area. Then it became chaos. Especially when they had to spot-search a bag and weave through the crowd to get to that location. Using temporary (I hope) areas for part of the terminal.

  • Grant Patten

    Grant Patten


    Compared to other Carribean island airports this is one of the better ones, it's under renovation so will hopefully improve to real international standards upon completion. The departures lounge has a good selection of shops but could do with a much improved food and drinks selection at the cafe/bar, the food is very expensive for what it is and the quality is hit and miss, maybe if the provider had some competition there would be an improvement. Be polite to the people that work here, they are nice people doing a stressful job, the more polite and friendly you are the more they will be in return. I hope for great things in the renovation.

Nærmeste Lufthavn:

Island Air Hangar

100 Roberts Drive, George Town
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