O Bar Nightclub i George Town

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Islas Caimán
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-943-6227
Latitude: 19.3110643, Longitude: -81.3845995
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Kommentar 5

  • La Conolly

    La Conolly


    Nice for teenagers to hang out

  • Troynel Andrews

    Troynel Andrews


    This place suckssssss. I’m a Brooklyn NY girl with a strong Caribbean background. I want to hear great mixes of dancehall and soca music. This bar added a techno beat to the songs. I was so pissed. It’s like they only play music for tourist. I’m a tourist who want to enjoy the caribbean vibes. If your looking to get drunk and dance to anything it’s a place for you, but if you want to sing along to the tunes and wine FIND ELSE WHERE.

  • Debra Taylor

    Debra Taylor


    Good service great drinks

  • A Dox

    A Dox


    Love this place. New owner new vibe. Best place on the island

  • Thai Group

    Thai Group


    This place is under new ownership and management, really enjoy it now, clean, friendly, and good prices... mon,wed, and friday are the best days

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