Miracle Brokers i George Town

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140, Kingbird Drive, KY1-1007, George Town, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-5989
Hjemmeside: www.miraclebrokers.com
Latitude: 19.2998188, Longitude: -81.3604648
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Kommentar 5

  • J.R. Shambaugh

    J.R. Shambaugh


    Usually pretty quick with clearing cargo, good customer service.

  • John Ebanks

    John Ebanks


    Unclear pricing structure and unclear information provided when asked about it. They will attempt to split your shipments into two in order to generate increase fees and are not helpful in providing information about billing when asked. It seems as if a disconnect between consolidation and shipping exists as if multiple items are ordered they will not wait to consolidate and ship onward which creates multiple invoices good for their bottom line but not for the customer. Overall: Poor customer service Disorganized company Lack of clarity with service and contract information

  • John Miller

    John Miller


    My packages were here from December it's now February and they're just calling me to collect them. I don't know how they've stayed in business this long given their service. The staff dealing with the custom brokerage has to change. I will NEVER recommend this company or do business with this company again. Not only did I wait 7 weeks for my packages they also over charged me. I am not going to argue anymore I'm just going to pay them and try my best to forget this ordeal.

  • Grant Patten

    Grant Patten


    Very slow, would have been much quicker to do everything myself, took them over a week, could have done it in half a day, the vehicle was damaged and they failed to notify me. Nice people but not overly effective.

  • jog



    The items were delivered in a staggered-manner! Meaning additional shipment fee will be paid. They should always check first (even double check!) all the items of there customer before they ship it. This is a warning for other supposed-to-be-customer.

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