Luxury Cayman Villas i George Town

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South Church Street, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 844-462-2962
Latitude: 19.293859, Longitude: -81.383371
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Kommentar 5

  • Nicki S

    Nicki S


    This was my third trip to Grand Cayman, but probably my favorite. We stayed at a rental home, Oceanus, on the south side of the island, on Frank Sound. The location was great for a week of snorkeling and relaxing. We spent our mornings by the pool, then headed out to favorite spots all over the island for snorkeling. The great things about this location are the fantastic views of Frank Sound and the sunsets. I enjoy being away from the bustle of the more touristy Seven Mile Beach area. Here at Oceanus, you are close enough to drive anywhere on the island in about 30 minutes, but far enough away to have plenty of privacy and quiet. The sound is great for snorkeling, kayaking and paddleboarding - you can literally walk out the back door and walk into the water to snorkel. The main reef is a little over a half mile from the shore, but there is also a small reef just a little east of the house, only a few hundred yards from shore. I was also lucky enough to find some sea stars (starfish), sand dollars and sea biscuits while out paddleboarding and snorkeling in the sound. The showers outside make it easy to get cleaned up without tracking sand and water into the house. We were only a couple miles from the Blowholes (go about an hour before high tide!), close to Crystal Caves, Rum Point, the Mastic Trail and the Botanic Park. There's also plenty of rainy day activities at the house in case the weather doesn't cooperate one day - a lending library full of bestsellers, board games, video games, movies and fitness equipment. In addition, our bed was comfortable; we loved our balcony with solar shades; the fantastic kitchen, big enough for everyone to help and the bathrooms in every bedroom made this a great home away from home for the week. This would be a great vacation rental for a large extended family vacation - we hope to come back soon!

  • Ashley Basquill

    Ashley Basquill


    Spectacular views and even better accommodations. Point of View had everything we could've hoped for and more. The kids loved hanging in the rec room when they weren't taking advantage of the private beach and Infiniti pool. And the adults loved having plenty of space to enjoy quality time while taking in the breathtaking views. Exceptional service from start to finish. I highly recommend Luxury Cayman Villas.

  • Heather Shoup

    Heather Shoup


    Our family stayed at their Tranquility Cove property for Thanksgiving. The property was amazing and the amenities were first class. It really exceeded all of my expectations. Every detail was thought out at this property and Luxury Cayman Villas was super accommodating. So many memories were made and we're hoping to get back asap!

  • lauren lopez

    lauren lopez


    Amazing place to stay! Very clean and beautiful! We knew everything that the villa had before we got there! They even helped my family and I figure out the best places to visit! Can't wait to go back again! My family and I loved every second of our vacation!

  • Lloyd Hilimire

    Lloyd Hilimire


    Great Service and beautiful homes

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