Duty Free Cuban Cigars.com i George Town

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Roberts Drive, George Town, KY Islas Caimán
Kontakter telefon: +1 855-289-3889
Hjemmeside: www.dutyfreecubancigars.com
Latitude: 19.2959282, Longitude: -81.3590035
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Kommentar 5

  • 吳益銘



    Damian is a very wonderful and helpful person. Also Damian is very patient person to first time buyer. The cigars are in great condition. Looking forward to my next shopping here.

  • Jan Cruz

    Jan Cruz


    WOW!!! very fast shipping in CA, took it less than a week & cigars came in fresh vacuum sealed. Damian is a very nice guy & he responded to my inquiry right away. He also has the best prices in every box, I will definitely order more boxes from this store...

  • Roger Harris

    Roger Harris


    I had to wait a little longer due to a backorder on one of my selections, but Damian kept me updated. If your selection happens to be backordered, like mine happened to be, just be patient and Damian will come through. They arrived, sealed boxes and wrapped to perfection. Sticks look great!!! I will be ordering again!

  • Michael Smith

    Michael Smith


    First order and very satisfied. A bit odd, at first, but instructions were clear and updates accurate. The cigars arrived in great shape and in less time than I had anticipated. Thank you, Damian.

  • Imperial Spa

    Imperial Spa


    Placed an order for about $500 and as it was my first time ordering from them was anxiously waiting. I sent an email asking for an update and it was promptly replied to. They continued to update me until both of my packages arrived sealed well and exactly as I had ordered. Will definitely be ordering from them again.

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