Casanova Restaurant i George Town

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65, North Church Street, KY1-1112, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-7633
Latitude: 19.2985103, Longitude: -81.3821455
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Kommentar 5

  • Nathan S

    Nathan S


    Food is very good. Huge menu. Seats literally on the beach and huge fish to see. It is a very busy place. Be careful when ordering refills as they are not free and are priced the same as the first drink -- including sodas.

  • Courtney Flynn

    Courtney Flynn


    Always a favorite and must go to place in Cayman. Service is great and the food is wonderful and reasonably priced. Nice big selection of items to choose from as well. Wine list is fantastic and they are always happy to give great recommendations. In the evenings they have a harpist playing tablaeside throughout the restaurant and he can play just about anything you request. You can't beat the beautiful setting on the water. If they have burrata as a special app I highly recommend it!

  • Katia Ramirez

    Katia Ramirez


    We had a quick lunch on friday. The food was yummy and well done. Our waiter very friendly and professional The view to the ocean always created a nice atmosphere even if the place is not nice or fancy. This place in the afternoon is very simple and casual

  • Samantha Julia

    Samantha Julia


    Wow! We were so impressed by this place! We ordered two pizzas and a few appetizers, and it was delicious. Being from the New York area, coming to the Caymans we expected bad breads and doughs, but this place has great bread, and fantastic pizza. If you are near Georgetown, this is a must-try.

  • Jennifer W

    Jennifer W


    I had a fabulous lunch here on Sunday when I got dropped off by the shuttle and found the town to be closed; warning to travelers town shuts down early on Sunday. So I decided to treat myself to what turned out to be a wonderful late lunch with desert. It was such a spectacular view I took my time eating as I had a couple hours until the shuttle was going to pick me up. Anyway, I loved this place and would recommend. I was there around 4pm and had the restaurant to myself. Loved it, food was great, great view a little pricey with everything I dropped about 100 us dollars but heck I was on vacation so it was worth it.

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