The Wharf Restaurant & Bar i Grand Cayman

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Grand Cayman, KY1-1110, Kajmany
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-2231
Latitude: 19.307455, Longitude: -81.3845597
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Kommentar 5

  • Nicholas Farrar

    Nicholas Farrar


    Great service and food. Make a reservation in advance for an oceanfront table. Feed the tarpin your shrimp shells and meat trimmings!

  • Allison Dascani

    Allison Dascani


    Went here as a recommendation from a family that has ate here many times with high regards. First off, the atmosphere was amazing, we had the best seat in the house and the food was pretty good and fresh. The bad, they completely tried ripping my family off thinking we were gullible and wouldn’t notice like many of the other reviews stated as well. Our total bill for 6 people was around $400 (with the included gratuity and conversion to US dollar). The bottom of one of the bills next to where you sign showed a bill of almost $1,000. They claimed this was a mistake. Oookay, or you just tried making a quick $500 dollars. Will not be going back.

  • Ken Denning

    Ken Denning


    Good food and service, best mudslide we have found sp far. A bit pricey.

  • M Bro

    M Bro


    Had a really nice lunch - from the specials menu. Sat outside with an amazing view, nice breeze and chilled atmosphere. The house wine was delicious and the food equally good. Would definitely return here and looking forward to trying food on an evening or just for drinks.

  • RM Cervone

    RM Cervone


    This sister restaurant of the Grand Ole House is a beautiful place to catch the sunset and wat h them feed the tarpon. I had the seafood linguine in a champagne sauce and my daughter had the sea bass. The fish portions of the meal were rather small but good. The view is phenomenal. Miguel was there rolling cigars. They also had a zinger accompanied by a keyboard.

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