Royal Palms Beach Club i George Town

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537, West Bay Road, KY1-1202, George Town, KY Caymanøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-945-6358
Latitude: 19.3215, Longitude: -81.3822
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Kommentar 5

  • Courtney Flynn

    Courtney Flynn


    Fun vibrant beach bar. But sadly it won't be around much longer. Unfortunately big corporation is taking over and tearing it down to build some big development. Sad as this is an iconic Cayman beach bar that's great anytime of the day or night to go to.

  • Khristian Chesney

    Khristian Chesney


    The staff are courteous and friendly and the service is decent. The facility itself is well put together, although some of the bathrooms and sinks weren't working. But the main gripe was that the food and drinks are waaay too pricey for What you get. Not worth the money. The stretch of beach near the facility is also very rocky. My feet got chewed up standing in the shallow area of the ocean. Not the Beach clubs fault per say, but I've gone to different areas of the 7 mile stretch where the terrain was smoother. Mediocre experience overall.

  • M Hoover

    M Hoover


    Our party of 8 went here for during spring break and got a cabana on the beach. The sand was amazing as well as the water. If our party was smaller I'd prob just grab a chair and umbrella but for our large party the cabana was nice to relax in the shade all day

  • Amy Huston

    Amy Huston


    Nice beach area on 7 Mile Beach. Beautiful white sands & see through blue waters. $2 entry fee. The taxi/shuttle buses seem to suggest this spot to every one though. The chairs filled up quickly and umbrellas are not free. Might suggest having a taxi drive you further up 7 Mile Beach if you want to avoid crowds & have a more peaceful beach day.

  • manuel rm

    manuel rm


    Really nice place!!well done, clean, with a big bar/restaurant. There is music with dj also during the day sometimes, there is a good and happy atmosphere around. The cost for food and drinks is a bit expensive but at the end of the day is a good deal for a nice place like this in grand cayman. There are a lot of taxi drivers right at the entrance parking lot which make it easy to go back wherever you live. This place usually is very crowded especially at the beach right in front of it, I suggest walk a bit on the right hand side of the beach to find a more comfortable and less busy spot to lay out.

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