Payless Rent-a-Car i George Town

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Roberts Drive, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-743-1270
Latitude: 19.2962466, Longitude: -81.3594931
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Kommentar 5

  • princessmuffins23



    If traveling to Grand Cayman please save your self and use any other rental company I travelled for a wedding and most of the wedding party uses budget car rental and I decided to give Payless and change. Big mistake. The staff was so unpleasant I never experienced such poor customer service in my life especially the manager Paige.

  • Justin Maneri

    Justin Maneri


    We had to pay for an additional day for only being an hour late ater a week long rental, also insurance was a rediculous price. I'll never rent from Payless again.

  • Jeremy Herod

    Jeremy Herod


    Our group reserved two jeeps for our trip. When we arrived they had only reserved one thinking we accidentally double booked. After proving we reserved two they provided a 4 door jeep upgrade due to not having another 2 door jeep. If you do NOT buy the insurance they will put a $1200 hold on your credit card. I was nervous but didn't have an issue getting it back. We also vacuumed as much sand out of the jeeps as we could before we returned them.

  • Kimberley Brown

    Kimberley Brown


    I rented a suzuki swift for about 3 weeks and it was exceptional. The cars are clean and well maintained, staff is excellent and helpful, and they care about your safety, which was important to me. I would definately recommend anyone to rent from Payless. They are the best!

  • Debra Cayea

    Debra Cayea


    SCAM.... we are arrive to the car rental place and they didn't have the car that they promised us online they gave us a different car and claimed it was an upgrade made us pay $1000 cash for Insurance and made us pay upfront we were at a beach and my husband forgot that he had the key in his pocket and it got wet and something happened where the key wouldn't start the car they came out two hours later had an alternate key put it in and it worked immediately the gentleman that fixed the car said that this is very common and he just fixed four this week. Consequently the thousand dollars that we paid for insurance didn't cover the key and now they are charging us another $470 . So a car that was originally supposed to cost $450-$500 is now costing us $1200. Go with a reputable company like Budget, Enterprise or a company that has a reputation because with pay less you pay more !!!!

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