Hemingway's i George Town

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Kontakter telefon: +1 345-746-1234
Hjemmeside: www.hemingways.ky
Latitude: 19.3280651, Longitude: -81.3821665
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Kommentar 5

  • andrew G

    andrew G


    Visit this place while it is here because it will be closing in September 2018. The best thing on the menu are their ahi tuna tacos! They are the best I have ever eaten! Their drinks are good and the view is nice and on Seven Mile Beach.

  • C JF

    C JF


    Great service at the Beach Bar by jen and Tony! We decided to have happy hour drinks and appetizers for dinner. All were awesome! Drinks were great! Even though it was warm outside,there was a nice breeze! Tony and Jen, who was our bartender/servers did an awesome job!

  • Natália Nomura

    Natália Nomura


    Fantastic finding!!! Refurbishing Hotel with leisure area opened for the public at no entrance fee. You get chairs, umbrella and swimming pool access for free as far as you consume foods and beverages. Food and beverage are not cheap but very tasty and worth the full package. White sand beach and amazing sea color grants an incredible landscape. Information from the staff is that the hotel will be refurbishing hence opened to the public till mid 2019 at least.

  • Atma Thompson

    Atma Thompson


    This place has really unique and delicious food. A bit overpriced for the amount of food that you get on the plate, but you are paying for the location and view of the beach. Instead of bread, they give you rice chips with a cool variety of dipping sauces. We tried a bunch of appetizers, and they were all good, although small. And the service was prompt and polite. It gets extremely busy on Friday nights/weekends, especially since they have a younger crowd as well as beach/pool access.

  • Albert T. Spaw

    Albert T. Spaw


    Great beach access and food and drink service at a large hotel that is closed. The beach, pool and outdoor restaurant remains open and requires you to purchase $15.00 per person in food or drink. That means you get first come first serve beach front seating with comfortable beach lounges and umbrellas. You can stay all day and into the night. Service was excellent and friendly and the food was great. You can't go wrong here if your looking to relax, snorkel, eat drink and be merry at a very reasonable priced facility. Restrooms were not shrouded and every clean. Highly recommend this beach front restaurant, pool, and relaxing location! Enjoy!

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