Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort i Grand Cayman

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389 West Bay Road Seven Mile Beach, Box 30371, KY1-1202, Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-0088
Latitude: 19.317633, Longitude: -81.383691
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Kommentar 5

  • C Rugged

    C Rugged


    Amazing experience here for 6 day vacation. Staff were all helpful and attentive. Food was great on site. Good location with great nearby restaurants if you don't eat on site. Room was pretty standard. This place really went out of their way to provide a great vacation.

  • Christina Bogan

    Christina Bogan


    This hotel was fantastic. We will definitely consider returning in the future. From the laidback atmosphere to the cleanliness of the facility. The front lobby and bar area is very welcoming. The seating outside is very peaceful and always seemed to have an amazing breeze even on the Hot days! All of the staff seem to really love their jobs and they enjoy making you feel welcome and at home. The concierge ladies were amazing, especially Rhonda, she helped us schedule a few tours and gave great recommendations. The beach was amazing and there are plenty of chairs and umbrellas available. While we did not have our children on this trip we could tell that it was family friendly and kids were welcomed and activities were available for them. There is a pool area but the water/waves on the beach is really calm and so the pool rarely was in use! Now the prices are definitely higher then many are use to and a 15% gratuity is already added on to any order, however you absolutely get what you pay for. The portions are large and the drinks are top notch. No skimping on the alcohol 😉. There wasn’t a meal at the hotel that we didn’t enjoy and we never walked away hungry. I will add if you go deep sea fishing and you catch fish to eat ABSOLUTELY tell the hotel because the chef can prepare an amazing meal for you!!

  • Robert Moore

    Robert Moore


    I stayed here for a 3 day conference and had a very enjoyable experience. The staff is super friendly and accommodating, the food is REALLY good, and the lobby/bar/restaurant area gets lively at night. The room I stayed in was standard issue, but the bed and pillows were quite comfortable, which is really all that matters. This location is closer to Georgetown if you want to go shopping, but still has the lovely soft sand beach that I love about Cayman. The pool is relatively small, but when you are in Cayman it's all about the beach. Since my stay was comped by the conference, I can't comment what my stay would have cost, but doing a quick search against other properties for a comparative stretch indicates this property offers good value vs. other hotels on 7 Mile Beach. Would highly recommend!

  • Mark Williams

    Mark Williams


    Great place for an island getaway. The staff is super friendly and helpful. The resort goes for a beach house vibe but the staff makes it feel like a beach home. Lots of good food options. The beach is setup nicely with an built out reef that can be used for snorkeling.

  • Rachel Leamond

    Rachel Leamond


    Stopped by for lunch. Excessively priced food, just like their accomodations. Unfortunately this worldwide hotel brand simply looks at numbers. Everything is overpriced, but because it's all lumped together and it's considered easier to stay in one place and "do it all" they feel it's okay to jack up prices. Take your time to plan your adventure yourself. You'll save hundreds if not more! Want cheap, tasty, and authentic? Try Calico Jack's. It's right on the water, the food is fresh, there is music, and you won't be paying a fortune for a name and an okay view.

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