Governors Beach i West Bay

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Governors Way, West Bay, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1-345
Latitude: 19.3413177, Longitude: -81.3814765
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Kommentar 5

  • Holly Caird

    Holly Caird


    Beautiful tourist beach. Clear water. Great night swim.

  • Ann G

    Ann G


    Absolutely Gorgeous location. Highly recommend for a day trip. Plenty of options for food, drinks and leisure. In season lounge chairs are for rent by the day. Breathtaking views

  • Blake Luther

    Blake Luther


    An awesome beach for lounging about, but it can be a little crowded. Other reviews mention a lot of fish, but the snorkeling was underwhelming. Definitely a great place for families / kids if you can get a spot.

  • Nick Potter

    Nick Potter


    Nice beach, not overcrowded. The water is crystal clear and that beautiful color everyone is looking for! Probably should be a five star rating but I'm just not that kind of beach person idk sorry?

  • Liz Smith

    Liz Smith


    I love Governor's Beach. Wide stretch of SMB that the condos and hotels CAN'T claim, thanks Governor! White sand, crystal clear waters, blue sky, blue seas perfection and that's before you head to the house reef for a little snorkel. I'd tell you all the things I saw but it would make it even more popular! Fun at anytime, come to Governor's

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