Cayman Diving School i George Town

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W Bay Rd, George Town, KY Kajmany
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-916-8487
Latitude: 19.2986822, Longitude: -81.3821231
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Kommentar 4

  • Christopher Murphy

    Christopher Murphy


    Went on a scuba excursion with these guys on our cruise with the carnival dream 01/11/18. These guys were amazing. They were super friendly and informative and had lots of info on the history. They were always alert with safety and helped anyone that needed it. If I was going back to the cayman islands, I would definitely go to these guys again. I would recommend them to anyone. Thanks for making my vacation, props to you.

  • Geoff Bartlett

    Geoff Bartlett


    Lauren Mann, has to be one of the best PADI instructors in the Industry. Cayman Diving School is the place to certify bar none! Thanks CDS, thanks Lauren!!

  • julian Roach

    julian Roach


    Met by a van without accredited PADI livery or company logo.I have never scuba dived before and upon arrival was told I would be supervised by someone called Lee who was apparently the owner.Upon arrival at the dive site -after briefing en route- this man displayed a contemptous attitude.In particular I was having difficulty in adjusting my diving weights after entering the water and was told it was my problem!!

  • Scuba Addict

    Scuba Addict


    One of the best companies on the island. Have done countless dives with the crew and they are always humorous and make the diving experience so much more than you could get anywhere else. With that being said, the value is also way better. I took three classes as well on a couple of my trips and all the dives and classes were better and cheaper than any other shop I could find. I will continue to dive here for years to come. Five stars!!

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