Cafe del Sol i George Town

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Lawrence Bl, George Town, KY Cayman Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-946-2233
Latitude: 19.318974, Longitude: -81.3813594
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Kommentar 5

  • Jared Williams

    Jared Williams


    Mudslide frappe and bacon egg and cheese is delicious!

  • Heidi Kiss

    Heidi Kiss


    Great food and coffee but the services is extremely slow unless you are just getting a coffee. There were 3 of us to buy 3 coffees and 3 breakfast sandwich (all the same). It took 30 mins on a Saturday morning. I asked and they said they only have 2 persons working for early morning coffee rush hour. I will will go back but I will think twice about going in IF I am in a hurry.

  • R B

    R B


    Great little coffee shop. Nice cappuccino and sweet treats. Cute upstairs area for a meeting or quiet time!

  • Norm Dunkin

    Norm Dunkin


    Clean, delightful place. Friendly service. Good selection of coffee and savory and sweet pastries. Nothing like a spicy beef patty to wake you up in the morning

  • Sue George

    Sue George


    This place is a pleasant surprise. It really doesn't look like much from the outside or, at least, there's no particular clue to the great service and cheerful atmosphere. Of course, it is air conditioned, clean, relaxed and has the usual cafe fare - limited but useful, such as sandwiches and cakes. The big plus here is the service - friendly, accommodating and unflustered. I go regularly because they remember me and my order. They have a laugh but let you get on with your business too. BEST THING ABOUT THEM? They will serve their drinks in the glass/porcelain mugs instead of plastic if you ask. No trouble at all. They should get extra stars for that.

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