Ambassador Divers i George Town

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Piper Way, George Town, KY Caymanøerne
Kontakter telefon: +1 345-949-4530
Latitude: 19.316886, Longitude: -81.384012
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Kommentar 5

  • Evan Ripple

    Evan Ripple


    Welcoming group, experienced dive guides, great teachers. Perfect for novice and experienced divers. Fair prices.

  • Jenny Reed

    Jenny Reed


    My husband and I went on the Stingray 2 stop snorkel excursion. We had a great time, it was a wonderful snorkel experience and we were both new to the snorkel. Best bang for the buck, convenient location.

  • Doug Cash

    Doug Cash


    We took the kids on the Stingray City afternoon trip and had a great time. We shared the trip with another family and felt like we had a personalized experience, not over crowded. It was very wavey so our excellent leader, Chris, took us to Starfish Point instead of the two snorkel stops. It was definitely the right call. We learned a lot and had a great time. Highly recommend Ambassador Divers.

  • Kelly Bruhn

    Kelly Bruhn


    My husband just did a google search and he said they had "the nicest website" so he booked our scuba trip! I am so thankful he went with this company because we were able to dive without being certified. We did the 2 hour pool class before going out for 2 - 45 minute dives. John was our instructor and was super "chill" and knowledgable about diving and really put both of us at ease for our first scuba dive! We HIGHLY recommend this crew! Thank you again!

  • G Duvall

    G Duvall


    They have morning, afternoon & night dives when there is demand. I have been on boat dives with as few as 3 customers and a couple went on a dive as the only customers. They do a guided dive on/through the USS Kittiwake artificial Reef a few times a week as conditions & requests permit. The boat is on the east side of the road from Seven Mile Beach and they shuttle Comfort Suites clients in a van. They also picked up other clients on the way. The equipment was in good shape & the big boat has lots of shade for protection from sun/rain. Good guides, boat captain & office staff, prices listed on their wall in the shop are in US dollars. I have dove with them several times this week and would recommend them without hesitation.

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